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Swimming training is held at  Monmouth School Sports Club, 

Hadnock Road, Monmouth, NP25 3NG


Mondays:   7.30 - 8.30pm

Club swim up to 3 lanes of varying speed usually swimming 2000-3000m depending on the lane and session. If this distance seems a lot to you you are free to take more rest as you build your endurance.

We have unto 6 people in a lane. the more experienced in each lane will agree a plan for the session. The Plan may be focussed on distance, skill or speed depending on time of year and events scheduled. 

Potential new members are able to join as a guest for 2 sessions, after that they are required to become members of Monmouth School Sports club at £18 per month. Membership of the Sports club means you can swim during any of their opening times as well as with the Tri Club on a Monday evening. 

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